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broad lighting中文是什么意思

用"broad lighting"造句"broad lighting"怎么读"broad lighting" in a sentence


  • 人像宽位照明


  • That bank is supposed to have been robbed in broad light
  • A study of these men in broad light proved them to be nearly all of a type
  • Both seemed glued to the card table ; they had lost count of their whereabouts and never once noticed the broad light of day without , while blanche had made bold to put her feet up on a sofa in order to try and get a little sleep
  • Bear in mind also that the outstanding notional stock of derivatives has soared to more than $ 1 / 2 quadrillion over this horizon , representing an extra $ 1 . 7 million haystack in which to search for the poisoned needle of mathematically - abstruse , systemic risk for each and every , readily - valued , new ounce of metal brought laboriously up from the stygian gloom and into the broad light of day
用"broad lighting"造句  
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